Typically, donations to a campaign where the beneficiary is an individual are considered to be gifts and therefore, generally not taxable. However, we recommend you consult a tax professional to determine the tax consequences associated with donations received.
Donations to campaigns where the beneficiary is a charitable organization in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) under IRS regulations are generally tax-deductible. For example, when you donate to a certified charitable organization (from the drop-down list of certified 501 (c) (3) charitable organizations on the AngeLink Platform), your donation will be considered tax-deductible and you’ll receive a tax receipt from AngeLink Community Foundation with the appropriate information relating to a donation to a donor recommended nonprofit on the AngeLink platform.
All charities must have a 501(c)3 status with the IRS’ exempt organization database for your donation to qualify for a federal tax exemption. If not, these donations are counted as personal gifts and are not tax-deductible. Again, check with your tax specialist for any specific questions.