Thank you for your continued support for the AngeLink community. Your generosity will make a life-changing impact for a person in need. ❤️
We’re sorry that you are having trouble making a donation. Rest assured that we have some common reasons on why you may be having trouble! Check out the common reasons below:
🏦Check with your bank
- Your bank may have declined/flagged your donation if you are newer to AngeLink. Most banks will send you a notification on your mobile device or via email.
📃Double-check your information
- Ensure you are adding the correct card number and CVV
- When adding your name, please use the exact name on the card. No nicknames!
💲US Donations only
- Currently, we are only able to accept donations from within the US. If you are outside of the US, you will need to reach out to a friend or family member in the US to submit a donation on your behalf.
💡Before attempting another donation, please wait 24-hours.